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put uone’s hand
举手  detail>>
put in hand
开始, 着手  detail>>
put aside the work on hand
放下手头的工作  detail>>
put down one’s hand
把手放下  detail>>
put down your hand
放下手  detail>>
put sth in hand
开始做某事  detail>>
put the last hand to
对...做最后的润色  detail>>
put uyour hand
举起手  detail>>
to put forward and hand in
提报  detail>>
i put my right hand in
把右手伸进去  detail>>
put your hand on my shoulder
把手放我肩上 投入怀中  detail>>
someone put your hand out
请把你的手伸出来  detail>>
so someone put your hand out
请把你的手伸出来  detail>>
uone level
往上一层  detail>>
build uone’s body
增强体质  detail>>
build uone’s self-confidence
建立自信  detail>>
hang uone’s boots
(口)停止工作,退休  detail>>
hold uone’s head
高昂着头  detail>>